I'm a comfortably above-average looking very fit charming witty respectfully-hung professional dude with mainstream heterosexual proclivities from the NYC area who joined OKC for a month with the absolute determination (because of certain things going on in my life right now) to find a presentable woman within a very broad body type, age and racial range with whom to have a respectable time without expectations for the future, whether that be a ONS or ongoing FWB situation. The reason I gave the site 2 instead of 1 stars is because during this otherwise complete waste of a month I'll never get back, I was reminded of the one fundamental thing all us men roughly in my boat of any age, race or creed realize deep in our hearts but continue to delude ourselves about:

If there's a semi-decent looking woman OF ANY AGE (and I'm talking even well into her mid-70s from personal experience) who IRL really and truly just wants to have a low-key NSA sexually-oriented, but not at all necessarily exclusively sexually-oriented, ONS or ongoing FWB- style connection with a guy like me or you, all she has to do is snap her fingers and these dudes or better will be lining up around the block for her. All she has to do is go to her local pub or gym or bridge game or BINGO on a Tuesday night and dress and act vaguely available, and within no time she'll have her pick among at least half-dozen or more eager volunteers. 

So why in hell would any such woman go through the hassle of registering and paying for such a site as OKC??? (On the other hand, if you're a guy like us who is actually, really and truly interested in a committed LTR, in finding your lifelong "soulmate," then the reverse is true. Desirable women will be coming out of the woodwork to be lining up around the block for you. But that's not the subject of this review.)

Now from what I can tell, there may be a handful at most (let's say 2%) of women on the site who are nonetheless just that. And as soon as you start perusing their profiles you realize that they are "friends" with about 100,000 chiseled 6' 4" hedge-fund managing six-pack laden Adonis's sporting 2-foot long perfectly-formed schlongs which stay hard for hours at a time and fill up 5-gallon containers with cum from whom they have their pick.

Care to throw your hat in that ring? There are also another 8% or so of unabashed fetishists, and almost always that means size-obsessed, more often than not BBC obsessed. But also, if you're into really and truly into hardcore BDSM you also might have a shot, good luck with that one... 

So who does that leave for a comfortably average or above average dude in most respects? 82% Nigerian (or thereabouts) scammers posing as 27-35 yr. old smokin' hot lingerie clad hotties from somewhere in the States. You know pretty soon, if you would allow your willingly deluded self to know, because their English is just weird, and they immediately start referring to you as love, dear, hun, babe, or even love of my life, one and only love and the like. And things start just not adding up: like I asked one these vixens from Nevada if she liked football and she enthusiastically responded that oh did she ever, and Ronaldo and Messi are her two favorite players. My greatest claim to fame from my wasted month was that I received a "Flirt" from a 74 yr old (probably 81 yr old) sagging decrepit ungrammatical humorless hag who doesn't even look like she looked good back in the day, who had throngs of George Clooney/John Holmes hybrids drooling over her from all over the world. Literally in the thousands. A "Flirt," yes, but alas she did not bother to return my clever message I humiliatingly spent 15 minutes crafting.

The reason I gave the site 2 stars is because it is a really invaluable lesson about wasting your time on total bull$#*! in pursuit of a fantasy that does not remotely exist. After all these years, I still can't shut up my $#*! when it comes to this brutal truth. Hopefully you're not as stupid as I am. But if not, OKC is a good place for a cold slap in the face.